"I want to vore Phase Connect Gen 3 and keep them all safe and happy in my tummy. With love 😊💕😘"Kaneko Lumi
  • ~1 Week Remains: Local fans of a certain pink lagomorph mold golem are attempting to finalize an anniversary project for her. Last call for contributers & artists, etc. No yabbits allowed.
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    What is hopefully the final server backup has been implemented. I am now starting the closure process of this forum. Main boards will now be locked. The Proctor's Office will remain up solely for technical feedback. Go to the new site in order to post. Barring catastrophic problems, this cloud-based version will close on the 9th of July.
  • IMPORTANT: Users from Russia may need a VPN to access the new server. I need more data to diagnose this problem. Contact me here or on Discord if you have been blocked, so I can tell you what you need to do.
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  • Late reply to this post because I needed the profile post character limit increased:

    This is a good idea but it's kind of difficult to do that without becoming a nuisance. If I replied to every post I saw that jumped to wild conclusions telling them to stop jumping to conclusions I'd just become "that guy"

    I'd like it if people on the forum would think more critically before malding and filling multiple pages with rageposts about nothingburgers like the Merry thing, and I know that there are others who agree with me, but there are also a lot of people who don't agree so when I do express this I try to keep it vague and indirect on purpose because I'm not really addressing a single person, I'm addressing everyone who unnecessarily shat up the thread last night. Probably not anything that can be done about the forum becoming that way, but I like to at least try occasionally to ground us a little. Maybe I'm wrong to do so, who knows.
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    That's fair, and I agree that it'd be excessive to pull everyone up over minor infractions all the time so I see where you're coming from. The reason I brought it up in the first place was moreso because that post felt reminiscent of things I started seeing in gaming communities a few years ago where people would make vague comments about others either being overly nitpicky/"toxic" etc. to position themselves as morally superior to others in the community, essentially virtue-signalling. Azehara wasn't doing that, but I just wanted to say "hey, let's not make a habit of this", because I'm worried becoming complacent with everyone being passive-aggressive about each other would escalate from complaining about actual problems to antagonising people over non-issues or personal grudges.

    I might have been a bit too trigger-happy admittedly, I don't want it to come off like I'm lecturing anyone.
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