"I can't return a baby like it's a peloton I didn't use for 2 months"Juniper Heartstrings
  • ~1 Week Remains: Local fans of a certain pink lagomorph mold golem are attempting to finalize an anniversary project for her. Last call for contributers & artists, etc. No yabbits allowed.
  • !!!!READ THIS NOW!!!!

    What is hopefully the final server backup has been implemented. I am now starting the closure process of this forum. Main boards will now be locked. The Proctor's Office will remain up solely for technical feedback. Go to the new site in order to post. Barring catastrophic problems, this cloud-based version will close on the 9th of July.
  • IMPORTANT: Users from Russia may need a VPN to access the new server. I need more data to diagnose this problem. Contact me here or on Discord if you have been blocked, so I can tell you what you need to do.

Critical notice to any vtubers browsing this forum [and members discussing them].

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The Proctor

Manager Arc Unlocked?
Staff member
Joined:  Sep 9, 2022

Hello! If you are reading this message, then you are likely a vtuber who is visiting this site for one reason or another. For your safety and convenience, I am politely asking you to read this post in full before going any further, and definitely before you consider registering an account.


Engaging with TVA in any capacity carries a measure of risk that you should be aware of. First and foremost, TVA is easily slandered by third parties because it has a libertarian attitude towards censorship and allows the discussion of various topics considered taboo by other communities. We are not an imageboard, nor are we alt-right. We are simply a diverse community with members from dozens of different countries. Nonetheless, being known as 'a vtuber who has connections with TVA' may have negative consequences for your career, as some vtubers and vtuber fans automatically assume we are a hate site because we do not ban critique or criticism of them or their political ideologies.

TVA's userbase has many extremely dedicated archivists and analysts who are willing to go to extreme lengths to connect seemingly random pieces of information together, or speculate intensely over even the most banal of statements.

In other words, posting here or acknowledging TVA in any manner is a good way to get people's eyes on you. This may be a good thing; vtubers need viewers, after all. But people who use TVA tend to be very inquisitive and naturally suspicious. They will look into your past, your alternate accounts, and generally try to figure as much out about you as they can.

tl;dr: If you care about kayfabe, this is the worst place you can possibly be.

I understand that because of the divisive nature of this site, vtubers who have some level of presence here may decide that their careers would be better served if they distanced themselves from it. However, many vtubers are very reluctant to officially cut ties with people they have connected with, for fear of grudges or backlash in future.

Due to this, I wish to reassure vtubers that I hold professional standards of conduct in high regard. If you have an ongoing formal relationship with me or my site (you joined the Discord, asked me for advice, promotion, etc), you may sever that relationship at any time, for any reason. TVA is not looking to get its hooks into vtubers or force them to interact with it.

In addition, I will not republish any private information you may have supplied to me without your explicit permission, and will not use such material to slander, expose or attempt to harm you in future, should you choose to end your relationship with us.
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The Proctor

Manager Arc Unlocked?
Staff member
Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
I'm writing an addendum to this post as we now have multiple vtubers either actively posting here or just lurking with accounts. Here are a few extra guidelines to cover things I hadn't previously considered due to their seeming irrelevancy at the time.

1) You may advertise your channel and ongoing streams on this website without permission. However, if you do so, I am not responsible for the behaviour of TVA members in your stream chat, Discords, Twitter chat, etc. Exceptions are if they act in a provably malicious manner; I.E hate-raiding or persistent harassment.

2) I reserve the right to ask you to stop said advertisements if they seem to be the only reason you are posting here. Either engage normally with the community while advertising or don't do it at all. This will also protect you from a negative reception; nobody likes astroturfing, and they're a lot more likely to watch you if you've established a good reputation here beforehand.

3) I am open to collaborations, sponsorships or any other similar transactions between TVA and individual vtubers or corporations. My only criteria is that no such transaction involves censoring the community. Basically, you can pay me to put your channel on the sidebar or announce your streams on the forum header, but you can't pay me to delete posts saying you're a bad streamer.

4) I am happy to offer advice on any aspect of streaming, community management or other activity that I have any experience in whatsoever, or point you in the direction of somebody more qualified. My community includes lawyers, IT specialists, accountants and other competent individuals. Meanwhile, evidence suggests that most vtubers are pinwheeling wildly between one disastrous life decision after another. For the love of God, please let us help you it is literally painful sometimes.
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